Monday, June 9, 2014

Week 3 Training

I did it! I did it! I was able to get 17 miles in and get everything else done that I had planned too.
Let that impress you for a second....ok, good. Now, here's the kicker. I beat my 17 mile plan and did 19.5 miles!


How did I do that and how do I keep it up? This has been the question that I will be asking myself from now until the marathon. Next week I start full time grad school. The summer schedule is intense. Intense meaning six hours of classes a day, five days a week, plus homework time. I have a feeling I will either get to pick between training and a social life. If I'm lucky. Maybe. Ok, enough stressing over that and onto what I did for the week:

  • Tuesday (6/3): I like food. This is why I made a huge dinner and ate all of it before I decided to run. I thought two hours before running would be fine. It wasn't. I jumped on the treadmill and did 2 miles at a 9:45 pace. After two miles I called it quits and tried not the throw up for the rest of the night.
  • Wednesday: I woke up determined to get those 2 extra miles in that I missed out on the night before so I was back on the treadmill bright and early to do 2 miles at a 9:40 pace. Then to celebrate National Running Day (and stay on track for the week) I came home from work and ran 3 glorious miles outside at a 9:41 pace. Can't wait for NRD next year! 
  • Thursday: Cross training included of a 25 minute upper body yoga workout that kicked my butt. No, seriously, I could barely move my arms the next day and it hurt to laugh. It was awesome!
  • Friday: So...this was supposed to be a 4 miler day. However, I got home from work and the weather was just so...perfect that I made a mixed drink and jumped in the pool instead. In all fairness, I did get my 25 minutes of cross training in by swimming laps. 
  • Saturday: Read my last post about bad runs. I had a terrible run. I did get the 4 miles in...but I walked two of them. Boo.I'm not posting my pace. Nope. In better news, my fiance asked me to go with him for a short jog later that night and we put in 2.5 miles of hilly neighborhoods at a 10:02 pace. Sometimes I forget how awesome it is to run with other people...must do this more often.
  • Sunday: Long run day! This week was a 10k run at a 9:58 pace. It was hot out (for me, 75 is hot, thank you very much). My first mile went by too fast over too many hills and I was sucking wind for the next two. Oh well. My fiance joined me for mile 5 and took a longer course while I headed back home for mile 6. I'm really starting to appreciate the long runs. Getting to that hour point is such an amazing feeling and I can't wait until I start pushing double digits again (just a few weeks away!). Plus, it sounds so much cooler to say "Hey, I ran twelve miles toady." Agree? 
In other news, my dad has picked up running again! While he usually averages about two miles now, I'm planning on running a 5k with him on the 4th of July and it couldn't make me happier! 
Now, let's see how this week goes (also crazy) before next week...when grad school kicks off (even crazier!).

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