Monday, May 26, 2014

Week 1 Report

Week 1 of training is done and there are 19 more weeks to go! I currently and following a training schedule from Stack. This is s 20 week program that starts out easy. Week 1 was an easy 10 miles and 40 minutes of cross training. Each week the runs become progressively longer and harder. Cross training time increase as well. The longest run is 20 miles in week 18. While I would like the longer run to maybe be two or three miles longer, I’m going to do my best to stick to the schedule to a T. However, the reason that I like and chose this training plan was specifically for the variety of runs. There are runs that are all about going up and down hills, runs that are divided into hard, moderate, and easy sections, and runs that allow you to play with your pace. I also love how it includes cross training into the schedule too!

So how did my first week go? It looked something like this:
  • Tuesday (5/20): 20 minutes on a stationary bike. I watched Netflix and it was awesome. 
  • Wednesday: 3 miles outside at a 9:56 pace. This was my first run after the half marathon and it hurt but I’m super glad I did it.
  • Thursday: 20 minutes of yoga to work on hip strength. 
  • Friday: 3 miles on the treadmill at a 9:58 pace. I watched Netflix again. This is becoming a bad habit. 
  • Saturday: Another 20 minutes of yoga. This was more general stretching out.
  • Sunday: 4 miles on the treadmill at a 9:53 pace. My fiancĂ© was running around the gym making funny faces at me so the running itself went by quickly.
  • Monday (5/26): Although this is supposed to be a rest day, I still did 10 minutes of yoga to stretch out and jumped in the pool for 15 minutes.

I feel good about the first week and I can’t wait to step it up for the second week. I’m hoping to get outside more in order to keep training on the road. It will all depend on the bipolar Portland weather and my time management skills. Next week is 14 miles and 50 minutes of cross training. Can’t wait!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Run, Short Legs, Run!

Hello and welcome!

This first post is just a quick "what is this?" clarification. My name is Nicole. I'm a 23-year-old graduate student that accidentally fell in love with running. The hobby has helped me in my life-long struggle with anxiety and depression. Between following my passions and running, I have found that I can now keep both of these issues in check - and they are starting to disappear. 
Before the "Color Me Rad" 5k.
My first running event!
I started running around March of 2013 - not too long ago. One of my closest friends signed me up for a 5k color run and I freaked out. Never before in my life had I ran more than a mile. How was I supposed to run three miles!? I started training right away and took the run very seriously. Looking back, it's humorous to think that I spent nearly three months training for a 5k. However, every bit of freaking out and over planning was worth it. I soon fell in love with putting on my running shoes, hitting the pavement, and building up milage. The best part? I ran the whole 5k and had a blast!

15k with my running inspiration!
After a small break during the summer of 2013, I picked up running again. This time it was for fun. There were no events planned. This was until another friend - who I consider a seasoned running with six half marathons and two full marathons under her belt - asked me to run a 15k with her. At this point my longest run had been six miles and this was before the running break in the summer. Like the good friend I am, however, I laced up my running shoes again and started working toward a new goal. Just like the 5k, the 15k went great! My friend and I talked through the whole thing and it was over before I felt like I even had a chance to really get into the groove of running and enjoy myself. 

Once I got home from the 15k I thought to myself "Why don't I keep going?" So, naturally, I signed up for a marathon. At the time I was already registered for a half marathon and thought that 13.1 would be enough. Turns out, it isn't. I completed my first half marathon on May 18th, 2014. I loved
Smile they say. You'll look great they say.
.1 away from finishing my first half!
every second of it more than any other run I had ever done. It was pure adrenaline for the whole 2:25:25. I'm hooked.

So how is this blog different from the other running blogs? Well, for now I don't have too much running experience. I don't count 3 events as much - at all! However, this blog is going to give you the opportunity to follow my journey from this point forward. I might not be the fastest runner, or the most experienced, but I do love this hobby/sport and I'm falling more in love with it with every mile. So let me tell you about training for my first marathon. Let's trade stories about successes, set backs, injuries, and crossing finish lines. Let me tell you about how far my short little legs are running!